Mon-Tue-Wed 9:00am - 6:30pm
Thu-Fri 9:00am - 4:00pm
Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sun Closed
Address: 102 12th Avenue
Camanche, Iowa 52730
Phone: (563) 259-1106
Fax: (563) 259-0917
Research Services by Subject: Career and Jobs
JobStar Central
Resume and career guide information, job listings by state, job fairs, job banks, and more.
JobStar Central Guides for Specific Careers
Links to sites offering information on careers. Find out what kind of education or training is required, what it is like for people currently working in a specific field, what you can earn, and more.
Monster Career Center
Select your area of interest, and see which career might be for you. This site includes information about the skills and education required for different jobs, gives the employment outlook, and links to information on related careers.
Resume Help
Resume Examples & Free Cover Letter Writing Help. Free resume writing examples and samples. Research how to write a resume and cover letter. Site offers resume writing samples, job interview tips.